Prow and Quickstart

    Prow is a Kubernetes based CI/CD system. Jobs can be triggered by various types of events and report their status to many different services. In addition to job execution, Prow provides GitHub automation in the form of policy enforcement, chat-ops via /foo style commands, and automatic PR merging.

    NOTE|WARNING: In order to make Prow work fine with your repo, the Kubernetes cluster MUST be reachable by GitHub Webhook. Then the most used option is to deploy it on GKE directly.

    Core Components

    • hook is the most important piece. It is a stateless server that listens for GitHub webhooks and dispatches them to the appropriate plugins. Hook's plugins are used to trigger jobs, implement 'slash' commands, post to Slack, and more. See the prow/plugins directory for more information on plugins.
    • plank is the controller that manages the job execution and lifecycle for jobs that run in k8s pods.
    • deck presents a nice view of recent jobs, command and plugin help information, the current status and (history)[] of merge automation, and a dashboard for PR authors.
    • horologium triggers periodic jobs when necessary.
    • sinker cleans up old jobs and pods.
    • tide manages retesting and merging PRs once they meet the configured merge criteria. See its README for more information.
    • crier manages the notifications against different providers like slack, github, etc..


    Deploying on

    • Following

    • Deploy instance on libvirt with terraform:

    cd ~cnv/repos/kubevirt-tutorial/administrator/terraform/libvirt
    terraform init -get -upgrade=true
    terraform apply -var-file varfiles/ -refresh=true -auto-approve
    cd ~ && curl -O
    sha256sum go1.11.5.linux-amd64.tar.gz
    sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.11.5.linux-amd64.tar.gz
    cat <<EOF > $HOME/.bash_profile \
    export GOPATH=$HOME/go
    export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin:$GOPATH/bin
    mkdir $HOME/go
    source $HOME/.bash_profile
    ## Jobs by Bazel will need GCC
    sudo yum groupinstall "development tools" -y
    sudo yum install wget -y
    sudo wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/bazel.repo
    sudo yum install bazel -y
    go get -u
    • Create cluster elements to work with GitHub
    kubectl create clusterrolebinding cluster-admin-binding-kubernetes-admin --clusterrole=cluster-admin --user=kubernetes-admin
    mkdir ~/private
    openssl rand -hex 20 > $HOME/private/HMAC_TOKEN
    kubectl create secret generic hmac-token --from-file=hmac=$HOME/private/HMAC_TOKEN
    echo "f25cc009637532179fb2cdec2d888a39749ac067" > $HOME/private/OAUTH_SECRET
    kubectl create secret generic oauth-token --from-file=oauth=$HOME/private/OAUTH_SECRET
    • Spin up Prow
    cd $HOME && git clone && cd $HOME/test-infra
    kubectl create namespace test-pods
    kubectl config set-context $(kubectl config current-context) --namespace=default
    kubectl apply -f prow/cluster/starter.yaml
    • If you are working with a local instance, just use sshuttle in order to validate the deck deployment
    # Use sshuttle to access the Prow interface
    sshuttle -r jparrill@192.168.1.XXX -v
    • Then access to the NodePort using your Kubeadmin node (the deck one):
    [kubevirt@k8s-kubemaster test-infra]$ kubectl get svc
    NAME         TYPE        CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)          AGE
    deck         NodePort   <none>        80:32494/TCP     2d21h
    hook         NodePort   <none>        8888:31050/TCP   2d21h
    kubernetes   ClusterIP       <none>        443/TCP          3d15h
    tide         NodePort   <none>        80:31840/TCP     2d21h
    • In order to be more standard depending if you are using GKE, you just could use an ingress with a LB. If not you could use directly the NodePorts

    • Add WebHook to Github

    # We need to update git in order to let Bazel to use "git -C ...." sentences
    sudo sh -c "cat <<EOF > /etc/yum.repos.d/wandisco-git.repo
    name=Wandisco GIT Repository
    sudo rpm --import
    sudo yum update git -y
    go get -u
    bazel run //experiment/add-hook -- \
      --hmac-path=$HOME/private/HMAC_TOKEN \
      --github-token-path=$HOME/private/OAUTH_SECRET \
      --hook-url \
      --repo the-shadowmen \
    • Add Config to Prow you could use this as an example
    • Add Plugins to Prow you could use this as an example
    • Add Labels management to Prow you could use this as an example

    You also have a couple of make commands to work with, on Nostromo repo: - make update-config - make update-plugins - make update-labels

    NOTE: Depending on the plugin you will need to add some resources to the managed repo, like OWNERS file

    • Now it's time to validate the config and upload it to Kubernetes as configmaps
    cd $HOME/test-infra
    bazel run //prow/cmd/checkconfig -- --plugin-config=$HOME/prow_conf/plugins.yaml --config-path=$HOME/prow_conf/config.yaml
    kubectl create configmap plugins \
      --from-file=$HOME/prow_conf/plugins.yaml --dry-run -o yaml \
      | kubectl replace configmap plugins -f -
    cd $HOME/prow_conf && kubectl create configmap config --from-file=config.yaml=config.yaml --dry-run -o yaml | kubectl replace configmap config -f -
    cd $HOME/prow_conf && kubectl create configmap plugins --from-file=$HOME/prow_conf/plugins.yaml --dry-run -o yaml | kubectl replace configmap plugins -f -
    cd $HOME/prow_conf && kubectl create configmap label-config --from-file=$HOME/prow_conf/labels.yaml -o yaml


    We need to emulate what we're doing with Rake and TravisCI tool using Prow but adding some features. For this we will use:

    • A new GitHub organization
    • A fork of Kubevirt website repository
    • A bot account with Admin permission on the Org: Janitor
    • Prow Stagging Configuration repo
    • New Prow CI/CD platform for stagging testing with:
      • Deck
      • Hook
      • Tide
      • GCS bucket to store the artifacts with the proper Secret and Service Account
      • The secrets to allow Prow to deal with GitHub

    Prow Jobs

    The jobs are managed by more than one core components:

    • Plank as a job controller, this one manage the lifecycle of the jobs
    • Horologium triggers periodic Jobs.
    • Tide manages retesting and merging PRs.

    where you could make some kind of debugging of your jobs submission is in Tide component.

    You need to upload the jobs to a config map by default called config. There you could put the Prow config (separated by component) and the jobs itself. In any case you could use a plugin called config-updater which allows you to maintain separated the config from the jobs itself.

    As we shows before, this is an example of config file

    In order to execute jobs you need to configure from this point, GCS to store the logs and artifacts (if applies), GitHub bot account credentials to manage the organization or repo.

    You have 3 kind of jobs:

    • Periodic: This context free jobs will be executed in a pace that you decide.
    • Presubmit: This kind of job have the context of the Repo and PR where you are working allowing you to execute the tests directly on that branch BEFORE the merge happens.
    • Postsubmit: This kind of job have the context of the Repo and PR where you are working and perform the tests AFTER the merge happens

    Managing notifications

    In the usual postsubmit and presubmit jobs there is not problems, Github will take care about the notifications but on periodic ones you need an additional component called Crier which will allow you to send notifications to external communication providers like Slack, Github, Gerrit, etc...

    To do that, we need some things (sample Slack):

    • Apply the necessary RBAC to make work Crier on K8s (located in test-infra/prow/cluster/crier_rbac.yaml)
    • Slack API Token to allow crier to push notifications to Slack, supplying K8s through a secret on the (by default) default namespace
    • Modify the Crier deployment adding the proper flags, in this case --slack-workers=n and --slack-token-file=path-to-tokenfile
    • Modify the config configmap to add a slack_reporter section including the desired configuration.
    • Deploy Crier component (located in test-infra/prow/cluster/crier_deployment.yaml)

    Articles to read and understand


    • Readme file:
    • Command Help:
    • Prow Go Doc:
    • Mandatory Article to read:
    • Prow Quickstart:
    • Prow Images:
    • Prow PR Workflow:
    • Prow Best Practices:

    Prow Plugins

    • Prow Plugins:
    • Prow Code-Review process:

    Prow Jobs

    • Prow Jobs overview:
    • Life of a Prow Job:
      • Webhook Payload sample:
    • Prow Jobs Deep Dive:

    Prow SSL


    • Another useful Article:
    • Kubevirt Project-Infra:
    • NGINX Ingress Controller: