
    • Cgroups and callbacks
    sudo cgcreate -a user:user -t user:user > -g cpuacct,memory,pids:ansible_profile
    # on ansible.cfg
    cgexec -g cpuacct,memory,pids:ansible_profile > ansible-playbook deploy_webservers.yml
    • Listen on handlers
    # Listening to the "My handlers" event
    - name: Listening to a notification
        msg: First handler was notified
      listen: My handlers
    • Add callback to ansible.cfg
    callback_whitelist=timer, profile_tasks
    • Concatenate 2 Arrays:
    "{{ apache_base_packages | union(apache_optional_packages) }}"
    • Avoid to fail by a lookup error
    {{ lookup('file', 'my.file', errors='warn') | default("Default file content") }}
    • Execute commands from Lookup on control node
    {{ query('pipe', 'ls files') }}
    • from yaml
    my_yaml: "{{ lookup('file', '/path/to/my.yaml') | from_yaml }}"
    • Loop over file lines
    - name: Prints the first line of some files
        msg: "{{ item[0] }}"
        - "{{ query('lines', 'cat files/my.file') }}"
    • dig over a host
    # It needs python3-dns rpm
    - name: Determinte if host's ip address is private
        msg: "{{ lookup('dig', ansible_facts['hostname'] ) | ipaddr('private') }}"
    "{{ lookup('dig', '', '@, }}"
    • Fail all if 1 steps fails
    max_fail_percentage: 0
    • Interacting with Tower API
    - name: Delete an existing Ansible Tower Job Template using the uri module
        url: "https://{{ tower_fqdn }}/api/v2/job_templates/{{ copy_template_name | urlencode }}/"
        validate_certs: no
        method: DELETE
        return_content: yes
        force_basic_auth: yes
        user: "{{ tower_user }}"
        password: "{{ tower_password }}"
        status_code: 204
    • Sample of SmartHostFilter
    • Change TLS cert for tower
    semanage fcontext -a -t cert_t "/etc/tower(/.*)?"
    restorecon -FvvR /etc/tower/
    rm /etc/tower/tower.*
    ipa-getcert request -f /etc/tower/tower.cert \> -k /etc/tower/tower.key
    ansible-tower-service restart
    • Grant role admin on Team
    tower-cli role grant --user 'daniel' \> --target-team 'Developers' --type 'admin'