OCP - Baremetal

    • Get IPMI status using iDrac/IPMI interface
    for i in {2..10}; do ipmitool -I lanplus -H 10.5.35.$i -U root -P p4ssW0rD power status; done
    • Get/Debug Ironic status os Master nodes using dev-scripts
    cd ${HOME}/repos/dev-scripts
    export OS_CLOUD=metal3-bootstrap
    openstack baremetal node list
    openstack baremetal node show openshift-master-0
    • Use Racadm to get info form Baremetal Chasis using iDrac/IPMI interface
    podman pull justinclayton/racadm
    alias racadm='podman run --rm -it -v "/root":/shared justinclayton/racadm'
    racadm -r "" -u root -p "p4ssW0rD" getsysinfo
    • Or you could use ssh against chassis to do that
    alias racadm="sshpass -e ssh -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no root@$ racadm"
    racadm getsysinfo
    • Follow an OCP installation with watch
    watch "tail -n 4 clusterconfigs/.openshift_install.log; oc get po -A -o wide | grep -v -E 'Running|Complete';oc get bmh -A; oc get machines -A; oc get nodes"
    • Deleting "Bad" BareMetal Nodes

      1. Create bmh resource and wait until it's Ready
      2. Scale up machineset to start deployment
      3. Do not Delete bmh
      4. Annotate "bad" or failed nodes with machine.openshift.io/cluster-api-delete-machine=yes
      5. Scale down replicas to match the number of existing worker nodes
      6. This will automatically delete "bad" nodes
    • Get the Kubeconfig from a Hive secret and put in a file

    oc get secret -n hive mgmt-spoke1-0-s55zb-admin-kubeconfig -o jsonpath='{.data.kubeconfig}' | base64 -d > ~/repos/hive/spoke1/kubeconfig_spoke1
    • Get the Kubeadmin password from a Hive secret and put it in a file
    oc get secret mgmt-spoke1-0-s55zb-admin-password -o jsonpath='{.data.password}' | base64 -d > ~/repos/hive/spoke1/kube