• List keys
    gpg --list-keys --keyid-format LONG
    • Export Priv Key to file
    gpg --export-secret-keys BA202938CB1C0C1E251F966ADE30627E53AC3969 > XXXXXX_priv.asc
    • Decrypt gpg encrypted file
    gpg -d ./XXXXXXX.gpg
    • Encrypt gpg encrypted file
    gpg -c
    • Export public Key
    gpg --export --armor --output jparrill_redhat.asc
    • Generate Key
    gpg --full-gen-key
    • Save all old things:
    zip -er old_gpg
    • Export GPG from one PC to other:
    Identify your private key by running gpg --list-secret-keys. You need the ID of your private key (second column)
    Run this command to export your key: gpg --export-secret-keys $ID > my-private-key.asc
    Copy the key to the other machine (scp is your friend)
    To import the key, run gpg --import my-private-key.asc
    If the key already existed on the second machine, the import will fail saying 'Key already known'. You will have to delete both the private and public key first (gpg --delete-keys and gpg --delete-secret-keys)
    • Save all old things:
    zip -er old_gpg
    • Generate full Key
    gpg --full-gen-key
    • Export Public Key from ID
    gpg --export --armor --output jparrill_redhat.asc
    • List Keys
    gpg --list-secret-keys --keyid-format LONG
    • Upload GPG to public server
    gpg --send-keys --keyserver hkp:// KEY_ID
    • Export Secret from ID
    gpg --export-secret-keys BA202938CB1C0C1E251F966ADE30627E53AC3969 > jparrill_redhat_priv.asc
    • Configure Git to sign commits
    # You could check the signing key listing the keys with long format
    git config --global user.signingkey 9D253FF3D56812CA
    git config --global commit.gpgsign true
    git config --global gpg.program gpg

    pass - Password Manager Unix

    • References:


    gpg --list-keys (get the ID)
    pub   rsa4096/DE30627E53AC3969 2019-07-30 [SC]
          BA202938CB1C0C1E251F966ADE30627E53AC3969       <----- THIS ONE
    uid                 [ultimate] Juan Manuel Parrilla Madrid (Red Hat Key for daily basis) <>
    sub   rsa4096/7A3E889C6FE921D0 2019-07-30 [E]

    Now create a new storage for it

    pass init BA202938CB1C0C1E251F966ADE30627E53AC3969
    pass insert RedHat/kerberos


    • Configure Git to sign commits
    # You could check the signing key listing the keys with long format
    git config --global user.signingkey 9D253FF3D56812CA
    git config --global commit.gpgsign true
    git config --global gpg.program gpg